Archive | November, 2011

The Life of Body Hair

27 Nov

This is a very important subject that we all need to deal with at some point in our lives. It is the issue of body hair. What’s too much, and what’s too little?  I personally like a man who has some chest hair, scruff, and a trimmed downstairs. I don’t need it completely weeded, and I don’t need it flowing and wild like Rapunzel. I am a middle ground type of girl and always have been, and boy do I like it when it’s just right. Recently it has come to my attention that there are three types of men when it comes to body hair. The first is the type that has body hair everywhere… especially downstairs where it is mucho wild. He doesn’t trim, he just has a layer of carpet all over. The second is the middle man, who trims, and leaves it tidy enough so us ladies can find our way. I like this man. Thirdly, there’s the guy that lost all his hair! I ask, where did it go? Did some little waxing fairy come by and say “Hay boy, you’d look sweet for the ladies if you looked like a baby boy, let me take care of that for you.”  To me, this isn’t my thing, but recently I’ve been getting some bald eagles. He has some on his legs, some on his face but even his arm hair seems trimmed. The rest isn’t trimmed, it’s gone. Like brand new baby gone. Why would a man decide to do that? He isn’t manly, like a lumberjack, when he feels like a baby’s ass. To me, I need a man who feels like a man. Calluses on the hands, hair on the body just enough that it’s visible that he’s a guy and it offers some stimulation.

For the men who are naturally lacking hair, that’s fine. I don’t judge that, lack of chest hair is doable. However, if the downstairs is not trimmed, I’m not going to run away but I’m certainly going to write about it in a post. If I have everything neat and tidy, doesn’t it trigger the thought that maybe, just maybe he should put some effort in? If he’s nervous about scissors near your junk, or a trimmer, have no fear, take your time or ask a friend. They’re always there to help, no?

I must admit that I have waxed a friend’s back before and I didn’t mind one bit. Perhaps it was the fact that I was ripping hair out of his back and laughing wildly while doing so, but nonetheless he had a beautifully (red) hairless back at the end. He was happy with the results and asked me why no one had told him about it before. I do have a problem telling men to fix something. It is something my lovely McKenzie doesn’t have a problem with and I love her for her honesty, but I can never find the right words to help them correct something that’s just not working for them.

I’d like to use Waxed Back as an example of perfect distribution of body hair. He had the chest hair going on that, as far as I remember, was trimmed not shaved to the bone or waxed off (nothing worse than feeling stubble rub on my chest). His lower region was trimmed and well maintained. It was much appreciated. Then I had the boyfriend who would shave everything. EVERYTHING. (Why was he my boyfriend? I keep asking myself this.) He would get his chest hair going, and I would be happy finally that my chest wasn’t rubbed red by his stubble. Stubble on the chest is not attractive. I know he hated his chest hair because it would turn into carpet man if he let it, but I hated when I came home once in a while and would see my boyfriend naked as a mole rat and he would try having sex with me, I couldn’t get it out of my mind. It didn’t help when all I could feel was skin… It also doesn’t help that I’m gagging while writing this.

I have noticed over the years, however, men with it trimmed or shaved are more likely to have a lot of sex rather than the men who nicely trim or leave it wild. It almost gives me a story of who this man is. The shaved or waxed man is likely to be a ladies man, thinking he is greater than he is and adding many to his list of babes (yes, it was the case with my ex). The wild man is likely to be more inexperienced, recently (or still) married, or a long-term relationship guy. This works for me, but again, how do you tell him that going down there isn’t going to be as enjoyable when I’m flossing my teeth? The man who trims neat enough may just not like the look of a bush engulfing his little fella. In any case, what a man does to his body hair tells a tale of who he is. Keep that in mind the next time you are with a new man and you see what’s making headlines in the pants.

Desperate Women

24 Nov

What makes a desperate woman?

It’s one thing to judge others and call them “desperate” but when you look in the mirror can you see aspects of yourself that could be labeled as “desperate” as well? We sure can, and sadly enough while we can acknowledge it, we often find ourselves repeating this behaviour because either we are comfortable with it or we don’t know how to change it.

Let’s start off by listing some behavioural patterns that make one appear to be desperate based on some research we have done:

  1. Texting someone constantly and wondering why they have not replied within 15   minutes
  2. Getting frustrated that they haven’t replied and sending them angry messages
  3.  Constantly seeking the attention of someone you are interested in or are dating (this includes numbers 1 and 2 as well as wanting to be attached at the hip with them without any breathing room)
  4. Always being in a relationship or with someone in general
  5. Talking to ten different people via text to the point where you lose track of the conversations
  6. Gathering up as many dates as possible through online dating sites within a week and15+ in a month
  7. Dating someone who is far below your standards but settling for them because you don’t know if you can do better and you would like a boyfriend right now
  8. Being in a relationship with someone that mistreats you and tells you openly they don’t see the relationship going anywhere
  9. Staying with someone that cheats on you (repeatedly)
  10. Being in a relationship with someone that buys you an umbrella as a birthday present ( yes this happened to one of our friends)
  11. Being with someone that you know will never propose to you but willing to buy yourself an engagement ring to give to them so they can give to you (refer to #9, this is the same friend and this was a 5 year plus relationship)
  12. Sacrificing your own beliefs and values and compromising your true self because you don’t want to lose someone
  13. Being constantly afraid that someone does not love you as much as they say and will dump you and constantly bringing this up to them and questioning why they are with you
  14. Getting pregnant to purposely lock someone with you for life
  15. Agreeing with everything the other person says and not having any opinions of your own (everybody likes to be in a relationship where they are challenged)
  16. Creating a “Wedding Ideas” album/folder/Pinterest when you don’t even have a boyfriend or you are not engaged
  17. Going on the Bachelorette/Bachelor

After reading the list, unfortunately we can both agree that we fit into many of them. Now don’t mind us if we go and sulk in a dark corner, watch cheesy romance movies, eat too much chocolate and wipe our tears away. Just kidding, but really; it’s important to understand why we act this way. Is it society? Is it past experiences? Or is it watching those around us that seem to be finding their soul mates and we wonder, where is our prince charming!

Desperate is not having the words DESPERATE written across your forehead but there can be subtle hints of desperation and we can fit into many of these categories to a certain degree. We believe most of our fears or anxieties towards any relationship has been influenced by past relationships that clearly have failed, unfortunately making it very difficult to let our guard down for fear of being hurt. I (Mckenzie) find that I start to lose interest in relationships if I don’t feel that the person is giving me enough attention or making an effort to show me that they want me. I guess I start to feel some insecurity inside and wonder if they’ve changed their minds or if they are no longer interested. I like to be up front with them regarding the relationship and “evaluating” where we stand, maybe not because they need to know but mainly because I feel that I need to know.

We see desperate girls every day, even when looking in the mirror. (Brooke) I know that I find it hard to date one guy, spend a lot of time with him, and walk out of it feeling nothing. It’s not that I need constant attention, but when I don’t get it from a guy I like, I really feel like there’s a need not being filled.

I guess I deal with it in a different way, by going on dates with other guys and trying to avoid those feelings. As I go on these secondary dates, I always wonder why the first guy is still not messaging me. Then I think, wow I’m an extremely needy girl who can’t be alone. I like to think this isn’t true, when sometimes it is. I like to be liked. I like to be chased after, and most guys don’t have a problem with that.

The problem is that the guys who chase me turn out to be the wrong guys for me because they too, are needy. I need the guy who doesn’t message me every moment of the day. I am pretty unstable when it comes to my thoughts and I don’t know if I want a boyfriend half of the time or if I want a boner buddy. I switch my thoughts weighing the pro’s and con’s and decide that I have no time for anything but what I have now so I need to relax. This cycle happens every so often and then stops for a couple of weeks and repeats. It’s one of the most annoying things, but I can agree that it is an act of desperation because the attention-starved-back-in-the-high-school-days-girl won’t let go of the fact that he didn’t text me back.


Are we right in describing these actions as desperate or is it normal? Do we try to change these aspects of ourselves, and if so how?

The molds we create

20 Nov

We want to start off this post by thanking all of our followers and expressing how happy we are with all your comments and feedback.


As we get older it seems to become extremely obvious that the more we date, the more particular we become about what we look for in a mate.  In other words, we create molds.

These molds include everything from physical appearance to intelligence, wealth and anything else we add to the mix. We can all agree that we have a strong radar, where within a short while of meeting someone we can already determine if we want to ever see them again or not. As we both sit there and talk about traits we find attractive, our list gets bigger and bigger both ways. We have many likes but also quite a big list of dislikes.

I remember once having a high school boyfriend whose parents met through a blind date in high school and had been together ever since. That sounds cute for sure, but I cannot imagine anyone being open to blind dates these days or having them work out in the end. That is because many people are becoming more desperate. Even in a world where we are surrounded by Facebook, twitter and many other social media websites. Some people I have met through online dating have definitely lied about their appearance or lied about important aspects of themselves in general.

Forget blind dates, nowadays before we meet someone we have probably already looked up their Facebook profile, gone through all 1,000 of their pictures, read all of their wall posts and possibly found any dirt on an ex. Once we have stalked them on every level imaginable, my favourite part is going on the first date with them where you feel as if you already know their whole life story.

As they tell you they took a trip to Thailand, you pretend to sound surprised and intrigued but little do they know that you looked at all the pictures of their trip, Albums 1, 2 and 3.When they tell you they have siblings; all of which you have already Facebook stalked, you act surprised because again you cannot give away your immaculate stalker abilities. Then they proceed to say that their last relationship was 2 years ago. This is the moment where you hope that the picture you saw of them embracing someone romantically does in fact fall in the 2 year time period, otherwise they are lying and they have already disqualified themselves!

This is why I believe that blind dates are becoming obsolete. Not only because we are considered weird if we don’t have a Facebook account but also because we have been let down so many times that we still hope to find prince charming who will fit into our mold and pass all of our likes and dislikes with flying colours. Not only do they have to fit into this mold on a first appearance basis, but we also have to be in agreement with their past based on what we have seen on Facebook. If we see that they have constant bar pictures, we clearly label them as someone who is not so serious about commitment. We have already made these decisions most likely without sometimes giving them a chance to explain.

Unfortunately as we create these molds and letting them get more complex for anyone to fit into, we only end up disappointing ourseleves and in the end losing faith in the opposite sex. We have both been in long term relationships where we wanted to find that perfect guy that helped us cook or cooked for us, cleaned (and enjoyed it), did things for us not because they had to but because they were just that sweet, and loved us through good and bad. Unfortunately we were blind to realize that the relationships we were in did not fit in the mold at all and all we were doing was taking two rectangular shapes and trying to shove them in a circle.

I (Mckenzie) remember thinking that the person I was with had a hard time fitting in the mold but because he loved me so much, I had somehow swept him off his feet and made him fit in perfectly. In the end this turned out to be a huge mess. Once we moved in together he started daily arguments about how he changed his mind about living with me, said it was my idea and he was just trying to please me. He also stopped helping me with anything and started complaining that he felt crowded, the relationship went downhill from there.

In Brooke’s situation, she was dating someone who openly talked about not ever wanting to marry and she maybe hoped that he would change his mind for her. The same thing applied to him in terms of having kids, he did not seem to be thrilled at the idea or having any; ever, and unfortunately he was not willing to compromise but being blinded by love she failed to see some of these signs earlier on.

Somehow love blinds us into this reality we create where we not only become very picky but when we are exhausted from looking for the right person, we just try to shove them in our mold because we have either given up looking or we don’t think that we can do any better.

Looking at both of our past relationships now, it’s easy to see what went wrong and we can take this as a lesson and move forward. Should we hold on to this mold we have created and this list of likes and dislikes? Doing that seems as if we are lowering our standards. Or should we not view it that way and become more passive. We often feel like we can change people or believe that someone will fall so madly in love with us that they will just listen to us and not have any objections. Unfortunately this is not always the case and we end up heartbroken.

Is being more flexible with our mold another way of saying we have lowered our standards or a process of growing as people and learning to love people and accept imperfections?


First date nuts?

17 Nov

To be honest with you, despite the amount I talk about men and the dating world, I haven’t been on a true planned date for a while. That is until two days ago when I had one. I was asked out by who we call “salt and pepper.” After hanging out innocently for a couple of nights, he said he wanted to take me on a date. He seems (even now) really interested in me because we do have a lot in common. Also, the first time I hung out with him I saw that he had a POF account accidentally (meaning I was looking for it) on his computer, which I jokingly pointed out. So I know he’s in the market for a girlfriend I just didn’t expect meeting a guy like him so fast. Let me describe him for you. He’s a manager of a store, 27, muscles and a cute butt. More importantly he has a great head of hair that is nicely going a little silver with some salt and pepper.

I like this very much since men with a little visible age are pretty nice to look at, and for some reason they seem full of wisdom. I think it made me disregard the fact that he’s from a bad part of Toronto and his grammar skills aren’t up to par. Anyways; my date, I went to his apartment and picked him up (no car, another point against him) to go somewhere I wasn’t sure of. He told me to just “drive straight.” We stopped at the Bulk Barn and got a bag of peanuts, which I obviously asked what they were for. He said it was a surprise but they definitely had to do with our date. Peanuts to start a date? I thought that was how dates ended…

So we kept “driving straight” and then I made a left into a dark park. He said to me that this had been planned for daylight but it didn’t matter too much. We went into the park, where he started spewing facts about squirrels. Red ones, black ones, I don’t know what other ones but there were more. He wanted to feed them! They were all asleep, but the attempt was cute.  Then he pulled out a sweater and water bottles from a bag he had so I wouldn’t be cold, and we sat there for a bit. How cute is that! We talked about cliché things like the stars as well as facts he likes to throw at me, which I adore. I love random facts about something in the world, and he is full of them.

After some kisses we headed off to our next part of our date, which was still a surprise of course, and ended up at a bowling alley. Maybe to you this is a typical first date but to me, well… I haven’t been to one in 10 years so apparently it’s not so common. He paid for everything without hesitation and we got our horrible smelly shoes and got ready to bowl. The realism of the fact that I hadn’t been bowling in that long showed in the first game when I failed miserably. However, I kicked his ass after a lesson and won the second game. I think he tried to play it off that he was letting me win but I saw the sadness in his eyes.

I don’t do guys who let me win easily.


After this we went to his place and watched a movie and made the hell out, among other things. Maybe you think I’m a floozy but you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t enjoy that fact.

I can’t decide if I liked it or not. He told me a fact that a small percentage of men can’t … Finish? During sex. This is interesting to know especially by his skill showing that he had experimented enough. The problem is I just know that after 2 hours I can’t possibly do anything anymore and it makes me frustrated if the guy keeps trying. It’s been two hours, the moment is gone. Despite the fact that it was focused on me and that was delectable, I think it raises the bar for when I have to find a way to make him happy at the end.

When guys have this happen, it is almost a turn off. I know it’s not their fault but really I just can’t spend so much time thinking about sex and keeping in the mind set. When I want it I want it and maybe I’m selfish but I want everyone to be happy then relax after and have a good night. Now I know if he wants to hang out again it will likely end up being another 2 hour session and at the moment I just really don’t have the time or the body for that!

If I have work and a schedule to keep I can’t go over for an innocent hang out expecting to be back at a reasonable time. Do I sound like a grandma? Maybe so, but the fact is I’ve had enough experiences to know that great sex doesn’t need to last two hours with no end in sight. So was the date a win or a loss?

You can decide.

Guest Post by Tinkerbelle : Childhood Crushes

15 Nov


When Brooke and McKenzie asked me to do a guest post for them, I was thrilled. Ask me to explain Pythagoras’s theory; I probably couldn’t. Ask me to give a stranger directions to the shops.. I still probably couldn’t, despite living around here for a long while. But dating? I have had so many dating disasters that I could write you a book. I have an affinity with the girls as it seems that despite them being located on the other side of the pond; they have the same daily issues with boys as we Brits do.

Men are like a different species, and I am to men what David Attenborough is to wildlife. Absolutely fascinated. I find boys entirely strange, and as a result I have had some really interesting experiences, had my heart broken, broken some hearts, and spent a LOT of time with my housemates dissecting the intricacies and nuances of a different species.

But us girls are the same really aren’t we, which leads me onto my topic. Childhood crushes. They are always a bit weird, and that cute kid that lived next door might have turned into a socially backward, spotty computer geek with a penchant for bird watching, but you will always have a soft spot that will make your friends think that you need your head testing.

I have two. Both are normal lads and neither of them falls into the above category, but my sister is completely dumbfounded as to why I would like either.

The first is a lad who was a year older than me at school. He, his sister and his younger brother lived in the house above us on the hill, so our gardens backed onto each other and there was a hole in the fence, perfect for me and my sister to climb through to go and visit. They lived there for years and I always found a reason to go and play, until someone boarded up the hole and my heart broke. (I was about seven, and not allowed to walk the way to the front door as it was deemed too far away.) My poor little seven year old self was further distraught when something terrible happened. The family moved away.

Over the years Mother Superior has given us various updates on how they were all getting on, as she visits the mum for coffee every now and again, and bumps into her when doing the weekly shop on the supermarket, as mums do. And this year, boy who lived up the road through the hole in the fence got married. It was a sad day.

Childhood crush number two is slightly closer to home and therefore a whole heap more embarrassing. My dad’s best friend had two children, a girl and a boy, and we used to play with them as kids. Even as a child I used to come over all unnecessary and blushy around said lad, who is only a few months younger than me, and I remember a specific incident where I got a good old telling off from my dad, due to doing something specifically because he was. They had a scaletrix (coolest thing ever) set up in the attic, but there was no ladder so you had to pull yourself up, and then jump down. I am scared of heights, so the idea of jumping out of an attic near a flight of stairs made me terrified. Of course I went up there anyway, because everyone else was and I didn’t want to miss out which resulted in me getting stuck, and my father having to come rescue me.

Anyway, back to the present, and I still come over a bit unnecessary. We now talk to each other (praise be to facebook!) and have nearly met up on occasion, but I’m sure it would bring mirth to my family to discover that I would even GO TO A FOOTBALL match on the off chance that I might bump into him. My sister loves this, often saying “but really? He is a little bit girly. Are you sure? I don’t see it” and “you are an idiot. He would eventually find out that you totally are not down with football matches!” my response being that in my hypothetical fantasy relationship, he would have by that point realised I am fantastic and not care that I am slightly higher maintenance than football matches in the rain. Ahem.

If only those clever scientists could think of medicine for us to take to turn us back into sane and capable people, and not metal cases with unnecessary crushes!

Childhood crushes that convert into adulthood are always the worst!! Have you got a good one?


You can read more by Tinkerbelle on her wonderful blog at Laughter is Catching .


Do pick-up lines actually work?

11 Nov

While waiting in line at the Starbucks the other day; hypnotized by my Blackberry, I noticed that the guy in front of the line kept smiling at me. I ignored him and got back to my BBM as I’m having a great conversation about peppermint tea?

Then suddenly he says to me: “Nice phone you have there!”

I looked up and muttered: “Thanks,” but got back to my zombie-like state on BBM.

Then he delivers is; the pick-up line … “Want to put my number in it?”

At this moment, I was somewhat annoyed that he was interrupting my wonderful BBM conversation but even more annoyed that he delivered one of the cheesiest pick-up lines I have ever heard. I interrupted my BBM conversation, looked up at him and bluntly said: “NO” no smile, no laughter, and no expression whatsoever. I heard him mutter “Wow” under his breath, guess he was shocked by my delivery of the NO.

Then, as if he was trying so hard to make it worse he awkwardly says:

“That’s my line, don’t steal it” to which I of course replied: “Don’t worry, I won’t”

Unfortunately I couldn’t get this leech off my back. We then had to walk over to the other side and wait for our coffees to be made. Clearly my bluntness didn’t raise a red flag to him as he then asked me if I’m on Facebook. Really???  I don’t want your number, I don’t really want to talk to you but I will give you my full name to add me to Facebook! Clearly I said no but he was STILL not done. He asked me if I lived on a specific street downtown because I look familiar. That is just crossing a line, he exercised every option available to him but clearly asking where I live was apparently like pulling out the big guns. Dream on, as if I’m going to tell you my address!

I remember another day on my lunch break; I had a guy approach me in a suit and sunglasses. At first I thought he was trying to sell me something but then he asked if I work in the area. He told me that he had seen me walk by every day during his lunch break since the summer and finally mustered up the courage to come talk to me. I suddenly felt like I had been stalked, I couldn’t care less about his act of bravery by talking to me.  But imagine that; he had been watching me every day!! I pictured him sitting there, eyeing me from inside a coffee shop, planning his move. He rambled on about how he had nothing to lose and
decided to finally approach me. What must he have been plotting for so long, if he really had been watching me since summer, it was October, and did it really have to take him so long to come up with a cheesy line? Regardless, he asked me for a drink and I told him I was in a relationship ( he wasn’t my type and was trying too hard with his over-gelled hair and giant sunglasses.) The worst part was not wanting him to know which building I worked in so I had to awkwardly stand outside while he walked away.

This other one has happened to me twice while walking home with Brooke, I was approached by the same man on both occasions. He would always start off by saying that he thinks I’m very beautiful and he saw me walking around and wanted to talk to me. I feel like the over-gelled sunglass guy and him must be friends or part of a group that thinks they’ve got game and try to pick up young women downtown. I say this because he used the same approach with me as the previous one and told me he had seen me in the area.

A week went by and I was approached by him again, I brushed him off and told him to not waste his time as he had already done this last week. He acknowledged that and said he wanted to approach me again because he had seen me that day again during lunch at the mall. As I walked away, I decided to remind him that I brought my lunch that specific day and was NOT at the mall during the lunch break. Nice try, sucker!

I remember another time when I worked at the bank a client tried to pick me up by asking me if I wanted to move into his loft with him which he had just bought. First of all, a loft is basically one room, he was looking for a “roommate” as he liked to put it, I asked him if we would separate the apartment with a curtain down the middle. Clearly he must not have caught on
that I was TRYING to play dumb because he just didn’t get my sarcasm. I would say some people rush into things but talk about asking someone to move in with you before even going on a date.

That brings me to the next man at the same job, whenever he saw me he decided to point at me and say “That’s my future wife” guess I have no say in whom I marry apparently because he claimed me the way you do when you pick a puppy, he had never spoken to me or gotten to know me. For all he knew I could be a monster but that’s okay, guess he was fine with that!

We can never forget though the cheesy pick-up lines we are approached with in bars. My two favourites are: “Do you come here often” and “Why are you here tonight.”  Think about those guys, those are close ended questions “Yes I come here often/No I don’t” and “I’m here with my friends/For a birthday.” What else do you have up yoursleeve now? Guess the next ones are “Nice phone would you like my number in it.”

Clearly the reason these guys use these pick-up lines is because they have actually tested them and they have worked! Believe it or not, there are women out there that love this stuff; they feel all flattered and giddy. Know why I know this? Because I saw it happen in front of me the other day while I was at the gym.  Two guys, one of them had hair like a cockatoo and the other had dark brown hair with almost white highlights in it (Farrah Fawcett style), fully picked up a girl from the gym. She gave them her number and as she walked away they asked what her name was and she said “Samantha,” then the cockatoo gave her the best line: “I’m going to give you a missed call so you can see my number.” What does that even mean????  If someone offered to
give me a missed call I would say, please save your time and mine. If I’m going to miss the call may as well realize I’m not interested. Goodbye.

So we ask you girls and guys out there; do pick-up lines ACTUALLY work? Have they ever worked for you? We would love to know!

Guest post by: Anne-Sophie

6 Nov

We would like to start off this week by featuring a guest post from Anne-Sophie from . We really enjoyed reading her blog and had the pleasure of writing a guest post for as well: would your man fight for you?



Have you ever gone clubbing in a foreign country? You always hear about how young people all over the world are similar and have a global culture of their own (which is actually kind of true) but there are still some pretty glaring cultural differences. After living in the US for 15 years I recently moved back to France… and boy was I in for a few surprises!

My first month back I decided to go out with a few girlfriends since a local university was throwing a dance. It was a “ball” (sounds fancier than it was) for a very prestigious, renowned engineering university in France. Now the friend who invited me pitched it like this: “there will be tons of cute, smart engineers.” I didn’t really buy it and was just going to go to dance and have fun. The problem is… there were A LOT of annoying guys!

The place was crawling with youngsters trying to get laid. Actually… there were also older men trying to get laid. Boys would go up to us and say “Tu me plais. C’est reciproque?” English: I like you. Do you like me too? To which pretty much ALL the girls would say no, then these guys would move on to the girl right next to her and proceed to ask her exactly the same thing. In hind sight, I wouldn’t be too surprised they went around and asked every single girl there. Either way, my friends and I got a kick out of this!

Then there were all the guys that would come up to us trying to flirt and would NOT leave us alone. That really ticked me off! What happened to no means no? I told them I wasn’t interested and, for some crazy reason, they thought that annoying me would make me like them! Ah…. young men who don’t know how to approach girls… I have to admit I appreciate the shy ones much more than the obnoxious ones.

There were also some creepy guys that came up behind us and tried to pull off some kind of a dancing dry-sex humping hybrid, the guys who threw beer all over everyone, and the one lone guy who threw himself at us trying to make out. Lastly, while we were walking back to our car at the end of the night several guys tried to take us home with them. Strangely enough, these were the nicest. They chatted us up and we ended up cracking a few jokes after we apologized but said we just weren’t interested. What a night!

I must admit this probably had a lot to do with the fact that a very large variety of people attended this “ball.” I’ll probably have better luck meeting nice guys in other places. Still, I thought you might get a good laugh out of this adventure. Now share one of your funny stories =]

Anne-Sophie writes a love blog for (, a Facebook application that allows you to express your true intentions for your friends without risk of souring your relationship or putting your friends in an awkward position. Check out her posts about dating, relationships and trying to understand men, and email her with questions and comments at

Our Guest Post on Wordshaker Magazine

5 Nov

Hey guys, we recently wrote a guest post for Wordshaker Magazine and are so excited to have it on their website : How Embarrassing!

We have to admit that on certain occasion we like to amp up the look of the evening with some hair extensions. We are typically not embarrassed, since it’s quite common these days and among our circle of friends everybody seems to do it. We often joke about it and style each other’s hair, clip in extensions or not, we love adding instant length or covering up a haircut that’s a bit too short.

However, one time I met this gorgeous guy on a night out and we seemed to really hit it off. But as we were chatting he kept complimenting me on my LONG, beautiful hair and said that it was the first thing he noticed about me…great! I just couldn’t take the dream away from him. I figured he wouldn’t ever have to know and left it at that. Unfortunately I started to run into him quite frequently and every time I happened to be wearing my clip in extensions. I guess I figured there was no harm in letting him dream since I would never be close enough to him to worry about it.

Of course the story takes a turn when one night he insisted on taking me away from the group of friends and spending some one on one time. We went to his place and after some good conversation and snuggling up, he started to kiss me as I awkwardly tried to move his hands away from my lustrous hair. I suppose as I lost myself in the moment, it eventually slipped my mind that I had to remember to not let him pull my hair or even touch it. I actually succeeded until I suddenly felt his hand grab the back of my head. I figured he wouldn’t notice or feel anything as I quickly managed to grab his hands away.

Getting very paranoid and worried, I excused myself to use the washroom. I was planning to take all of my hair out and hope that he wouldn’t really notice, but realized I had nowhere to put it as my purse and jacket were outside in the living room.

Suddenly I had the clever idea of hiding it in a drawer underneath his sink. I was planning to run out and grab my purse and quickly sneak it in there, the plan seemed flawless until I got out of the washroom. As soon as I came out he was pretty much waiting outside saying he had to go as well and squeezed past me and went right in.

Panic took over me and I started to hyperventilate, what was I going to do now, what if he saw my hair? I calmed myself down and reassured myself that the chances of him going in the drawer were quite slim, but as I waited those, few moments seemed like an eternity. When he came out he was smiling at me and it quickly calmed my nerves because he couldn’t take his eyes off me. But when he came and sat down next to me, his smile seemed to not go away and I realized it was more of hidden laughter. “You look different,” he said and I tried to play dumb by acting confused and being playful. That is when he pulled out a piece of my hair from his back pocket and waved it in front of my face.

I wished that at that moment I could have disappeared. He said that it’s best if I leave and I agreed so I grabbed all my things and said bye without even having the courage to look him in the eye. But as I walked down his hallway heading to the elevators, I realized that the rest of my hair was still hiding in his drawer. Unfortunately I shamefully walked back, knocked on his door and as he answered he already knew why I was coming back as the rest of my hair was in his hand. I figured I was embarrassed enough, why leave it there for him to make fun of even more and have proof of it.

That day was definitely one of the most embarrassing moments of my life.