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Happy New Year

30 Dec


We would like to wish everyone a happy New Year and hope that 2011 was a good year and that the next one will be even better. I’m sure we all had resolutions last year that we either accomplished or did not, and I’m also sure that we have new resolutions for this year and hopefully we will stick to them. In light of ringing in the New Year this weekend, we would like to talk about our years and the good and bad 2011 brought for us, we would also like to share our New Year’s resolutions and would love to hear yours.

(Brooke) Everyone wonders who their midnight kiss on New Year’s Eve will be. This year I have decided to wonder something different. Rather than who my kiss ringing in the New Year will be, I wonder what I will change in the New Year. I personally don’t believe you really get anywhere with resolutions, it’s a spur of the moment hope that one plans to keep but no one really does. If you do; great for you, but I think of creating more of a motto than a resolution. How about something like “New Year, New Men” or “New Year, New Mistakes”? I ask this because, while everyone makes mistakes every year, I tend to repeat mistakes I have made before, even if I had learned something from them. I often talk to you about these mistakes, which have often led to hilarity, but I don’t say how sometimes I slip and make the same mistake again. It’s important to keep making mistakes to keep growing and learning, but not everyone remembers that the past is there for a reason and it shouldn’t make are-appearance in the New Year.

Last year was easily my worst year thus far in many ways, beginning with a major relationship fail, health scares, moving in and out, and having problems with money—typical woes that many people have on a regular basis. That being said, it was also one of major positive changes: Going back to school, adopting a dog, starting this blog with McKenzie (!) and refocusing my attentions on friends rather than relationships that went nowhere. I’m not trying to be cynical; I’m just trying to say to you, review last year. What went wrong in your dating scene? Relationship(s)? Married life? Could you have let an argument go that wasn’t worth fighting, or was it worth it? I strongly suggest you use this time before Saturday night to review. Make a motto for yourself and just try and go by it. Of course it can be difficult to say “No” sometimes to a free meal from the guy you know is no good, that’s not bad for your ego either! I just want you to look back on 2012 in December next year and say that you want 2013 to be spectacular like this one was. Happy New Year’s my friends, have a drink or 3 for me! 2012 will have some amazing stories to tell you!

(Mckenzie) As for me, my New Year’s Eve kiss will be with my boyfriend and I am very much looking forward to spending it with him. For me, 2011 was bad and good at the same time; I would have to say it started out not so great and then better things started happening as the time went by. I had broken up with my ex whom I was quite serious about and somehow it took me half of 2011 to get over him, considering we broke up in 2010. I had a few short-lived relationships that I was not into because I was settling for less and was not over my ex. Once I moved on from all of those, I finally met my current boyfriend and that is when things started looking up. I joined a gym in the summer, I started this blog with Brooke and I also started a new job that I really like. For 2012 my New Year’s resolutions are : 1) to save more and spend less, 2) Worry and de-stress ,3) work out as much as I used to when I first joined the gym, 4) Make my relationship the best it can be.

I think these are all realistic goals that we can stick to and hopefully next year we can look back and say that it was a good year. What are your New Year’s resolutions, do you remember last year’s and did you follow them?

Happy New Year, we wish you the very best and we love and thank you for your support and wonderful comments!


Brooke and Mckenzie